Latest Episodes

Attention, part 2: The Art of Showing Up
What happens when you sit still and do nothing? For most of us, the second we try, our minds go into overdrive — racing...

Attention, part 1: Mindful Awareness
Your attention is the lens through which you experience your entire life. But in today’s world, it’s constantly being hijacked — by stress, by...

The Truth about Fear
Fear. We all know what it feels like. But do we really understand what it is? In this episode, we break down the truth...

Thriving with Stress
There’s no doubt we have an unhealthy relation to stress. But it is an unavoidable part of living. And it is especially unavoidable if...

Living with Pain
Your pain is trying to send you a message, but we misinterpret what it’s trying to tell us. Our pain systems get confused and...

Loss & Grief
Grief is complex, layered, nuanced, and — most of all — individual. Each time you grieve is unique because the loss is unique. Our...